Teaching Philosophy


Teaching is the method by which an instructor can convey information to the students according to the standard of the student. Students' levels comprise different levels of preschool, primary, secondary and tertiary levels. The information shed is also necessary and demanding for any level. Teachers can teach the syllabus set by the Ministry of Education Malaysia but what separates a teacher is the methodology of presenting the information. During teaching and learning sessions every teacher can use imagination and ingenuity. This is not only fascinating but much more easily grasped by students.

For me, my teaching philosophy is in three aspects of a variety of ways of teaching the students, having clear ambition, and the environment.

The variety way of teaching is one of the vital things that I need to do because me, myself knows that learning something for some student is quite boring. So. I as a teacher need to know how to attract them or to make them fell in love with the subject that I teach. One of the ways is I need to be creative and innovative with my own teaching material. It will help them to understand more easily.

Furthermore, to be a good teacher or to be a successful teacher. I need to have my own clear ambition so that I can plan my future carefully. As an example, every teacher has their own intention to make sure that all of the knowledge presented is understood by their student. Then, determined ambition and passion for teaching are the way that will help me to achieve that.

Last but not least, in my philosophy that a good environment will make a positive aura around us. It can help us to boost our mood. So, I need to teach my student in a good environment that makes me teach in a good mood when in the class, it also can help the student to understand more easily.

In conclusion, teachers and students searching for expertise affect successful teaching and learning processes in task success.
