Class Reflection



Puan Hajah Asmayati as our lecturer introduce herself in the first class and gave a briefing based on this coursework. The assignments given by Puan Asmayati are mostly group assignments. All of her students were divided into 17 groups, each group has 2 members. We were given a chance to choose our groupmate. Every class sessions are online by using Webex because of the pandemic Covid - 19. We are not allowed to have face-to-face class sessions. Other than that, our lecturer is recommending us to promote the use of the English language use.


Our lecturer gave the details about the first assignment which is ICT-Based Assessment Tool.  We need to prepare two worksheets whether crossword puzzles, word searches, or word jumble by browsing any suitable online application that is free and easy to use. We need to show all the steps of doing the worksheet. Puan Asmayati reminded us that the assignment needed to submit 4th week.


Puan Asmayati is discussing peer-teaching presentation and the topics. She wanted to make that every group has its own topic and needs to be discussed in class to make sure no group presents the same topic. Puan Asmayati told us that every group needs to present their own topic.


The class was canceled because Puan Asmayati has a meeting.


The peer-teaching presentation started. The first group is presenting how to use google form. They teach us how to make the question and check the response for the google form. We learn that google form is really vital if you want any response that helps your coursework if you want statistics. The second group also present their topic Microsoft Powerpoint. They presented how to put the green screen effect in the PowerPoint which is really cool because, before this, I do not even know about it.



The next group which is group 3 is presenting the Blogspot. They teach us about how to make a post for your Blogspot. Blogspot is basically a website that you can use to write about yourself or anything that you want to share with the netizens. We can use it for free. Next, it's time for my group that is group 4 to present our topic about Wix. Wix is an application that you can use to make your own website. We can promote our product there. There are a lot of features we can explore at Wix.



After that, the class proceeds with the peer-teaching presentation. Group 5 is presenting Filmora. This is an application that we can use as a video editor. It is free but it has a watermark if we do not pay for it. But it is a nice application that helps someone beginners to edit the video easily. It really helps everyone to explore Filmora as a video editor. And group 6 is presenting Moviemaker as their topic. It is an application on mobile that we can use for free to edit video. Same as Filmore but just a different platform. 


Then, the class is ongoing with presentations by group 7 about the Canva. Canva is a website that we can make our poster, infographic, or edit any photos at Canva. We can use a lot of template for free because there are also template that we need to pay for it. Group 8 is presenting after that with the topic Prezi. We can use Prezi as or platform to present in such a variety of ways and we can make it more attractive. Prezi is really kind of like PowerPoint but it is online. We need to pay for it if you want to present by using Prezi offline. Group 9 continue the presentation with the topic of Quizizz which is we can use to make a question or you want to make your own practice with all the question made there.


Next up, the peer-teaching presentation is still ongoing with group 10 presents about Plickers. It is kind of like an application that a host will make a question that and they will share each students' link for them to access the question made by the host. After that, Group 11 presented how to use Powtoon. They told us that Powtoon is the application that we can use to present our topic that kind of like a cartoonish presentation. It is interesting to use it because we can attract students. Puan Asamayati told us to continue the presentation with group 12 with the topic of Kahoot. Kahoot is an online application that we can use to make a live quiz session which is one host that will show the question and if you want to join to answer the question, you need to insert the code given by the host.



In this class session, Pn Asmayati said that will be 3 group to present for that day . The group the present first is group 13. Their topic about peer-teaching is Inshot. This application is just the same like Movie Maker because it is a video editor application with the same platform which is on the mobile phone. It is also free to use. Next, group 14 presenting the topic about Mentimeter. Mentimete is a website with same function as kahoot. The features given is a host can make questions and send the code to every participant. So they can answer all of the question at the same times. The host only can see the question. The next group is group 15. They presented about Padlet with the function to make your own website. It can help us to build website with our own theme.


This class is the last for peer teaching presentation session. The group 17 are presenting first because group 16 facing problems. Group 17 presented topic about Screencast-O- Matic. The application is about video editor that using the same platform as Movie Maker and Inshot. It is easy to use especially for mobile phones. And the last group presented about Youtube. It is also have many features that usually people did not notice about. For instance, we can show all the subtitles on the transcript. You can see it detailed with the time on the youtube video. 
