
 Individual work: Forum 

Forum 1- ICT-enabled teaching and learning are often seen as an important vehicle for the development of English language competencies among teachers and learners. Discuss.

  English is based on the language that is used on all platforms especially when it comes to ICT-enabled teaching and learning. It is the most vital language which is driven by the young generation to be more developed with knowledge. Therefore, English was used as a Link language, as well as a global language nowadays. So, modern generations need to learn and develop their English skill.

I do agree that ICT-enabled has overcome the limit to learn the English language. ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is really developing the way the young generation to communicate. They use social media as their platform to share their thoughts. There a lot of platforms that students can use such as blogs which they can use in English language learning to share their information and there are other social media that they can use to enhance their English skills by using modern technology.

Other than that, teachers can use any ICT-platform based to access their students to teach them without teaching them face to face. The fact is the students can just learn the English language through the online meeting such as Google Meet or Webex. They can easily access it and it does not need any cost. They even can develop their skill even at home or while they are doing their house chores.

Last but not least, ICT is really helpful in the professional development of teachers. A teacher can learn various language skills with the help of information and communication technologies. They can enhance their language skill by joining a variety of programs which can lead them to be competitive teachers in language skills.

To conclude, ICT is really a helping platform in which teachers and learners can develop and enhance their English language skills. They are various ways that they can learn more about the language based on ICT-enabled teaching and learning. Besides, we are in the modern era which most times our lives depend on technology.

Forum 2:Intellectual property issues are of tremendous importance when developing digital content for use in education. Ownership of content developed is a key issue to consider.

Ethics is the set of moral principles that must be followed or developed by the behavior of a group or individual. Therefore, ICT ethics is a set of principles that regulate the use of the computer. Some of the computer ethics that being common issues is property rights, privacy concern, and how nowadays people that using affect the social living. This occurs usually when someone does not have their own idea to create their content or these people just being selfish.  The owner of the content has its own rights of their content. For example, while it is easy to duplicate copyrighted electronic (or digital) content, computer ethics would suggest that it is wrong to do so without the author's approval. And while it may be possible to access someone's personal information on a computer system, computer ethics would advise that such an action is unethical. So, the issue the Intellectual property (IP) is really important when it comes to ownership. The IP for the education the needed to be present must have the permission of the ownerships or must be credited for the efforts they put into the IP. From that, we know a lot of this issue had occurred directly or indirectly. As an ethical ICT user, we need to follow the ethics and show some honors toward the ownership of the IP. In conclusion, ICT is really helpful in this modern era and we are relying on these advantages especially when it comes to the student which most of them are using ICT as their main resources to pursue their study, to complete all the assignments given and complete all the task given. 

Forum 3:Learning materials in electronic format are most useful when they are directly linked to the curriculum. The absence of educational content directly linked to curricula is one of the key inhibitors of ICT use by teachers and learners.

The issue is the teachers and learners are mostly dependent on ICT which they need information or teaching materials from the ICT. ICT is the best way for teachers or learner to find the resources and they can find with just a blink of an eye. They can get any information need by using the modern platform which ICT, but it is not perfectly fit the curricula because sometimes might get the wrong answer even they are trying to find it by using the ICT. Either they get the wrong answers or they will be a misunderstanding about the concepts itself which leads to confusion for the learners and teacher. So, they need to use the traditional way which is using the book or find some expertise in the subject. In my opinion, using an ICT-based as an electronic format is not a really effective way to learn for me because it is a lot easier if go directly learn from someone and we can ask them if we had any confusion when we learn something but it is hard sometimes to find a teacher. So, the traditional way also had its own problems. The electric format of the curriculum is really good and it is fast enough to be found but still lacks truth because sometimes we do not know whether the knowledge is true or not.

Forum 4:Simply importing existing educational content and expertise from abroad is fraught with difficulties. Discuss.

Using the educational content or materials of learning from abroad are such good things because a lot of information that we can gain from taking advantage of it. We really need to variety our source of education so we can go a step ahead of other people. And we also can experience a new language but sometimes it might get hard because in Malaysia we learn all the things by using our language which is Bahasa Melayu which is our language. Other than that, by using abroad education material, if the learners are trying to do some research, they might get misunderstood about something they get from the source because the main issue is the language. They need to learn a language before they want to use foreign education material. The other problem that we will face is their syllabus is different from ours, we could get confused with our syllabus. The learners must master the language of the abroad sources so it will ease their way to varieties their sources of the educational content for their studies

Forum 5:Creating digital/electronic content is difficult, expensive, and, is a lengthy process. How can the teacher community overcome this matter?

I do agree that using electronic content is difficult, quite pricey, and took a long time to done the process. The teacher community would overcome this problem by developing a learning community which they need to find or create a community that developing the skill about making the digital for any age. This will make a digital learning environment. So, everyone will help each other to learn digital content more.

Other than that, to be a good teacher is using a variety of methods to teach the student which is one of the methods is using digital content. It is better for a teacher to need to have the instructional purpose for the content being shown to the student in the classroom. The teacher needs a clear vision about the digital content and summarizes it, so the student will the ideas about what they are learning from the digital content given

Last but not least, the teachers can overcome the problem which is creating digital content is hard. They can practice by incorporating the 4 Cs which are Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity within their classroom. With these practices, the teachers will overcome the problem in no time. They can develop the way of their teaching method and not only depending on sources only.

Group Assignments

Assignment 1:  ICT-Based Assessment Tool

Assignment 2: Infusing ICT in a lesson 

Assignment 3: Developing teaching material

Peer-teaching Movie: Wix Presentation
